The first meeting of the Advisory Council of the Education Development Fund was held

14 July 2022

The first meeting of the Advisory Council of the Education Development Fund (EDF) under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held on July 14, 2022.

The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Advisory Council and Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev, Deputy Minister of Education Idris Isayev, Chairman of the Board of Education Development Fund Elnur Nasibov, Rector of Baku State University Elchin Babayev, Rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics Adalat Muradov, Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University Vilayat Valiyev, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Mustafa Babanli, Head of Baku City Education Department Mehriban Valiyeva, Director of the Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rufat Azizov, Head of The Capital Construction and Supply Department of the Ministry of Education Valeh Mirzaliyev, Head of Education Economics and Statistics Department Kanan Karimzade, Deputy Director of the Financial department Vugar Asgarov.

Minister of Education E. Amrullayev noted the importance of the aims of the Education Development Fund established by the Decree signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev on July 14, 2021, the role of the institution in the development of the education system, the adaptation of state educational institutions to modern requirements, as well as the importance of strengthening the integration between education and economy. The Minister also shared his views on the future priority directions of the Fund with the members of the Council.

E. Nasibov, Chairman of the Board of EDF, gave a presentation about the purpose, activities, establishment, and organizational work of the institution to the members of the Advisory Council. The chairman said that in order to prepare the strategic goals and plan of the institution, round-table meetings will be held with the participation of higher and secondary educational institutions. In addition, information was presented on the possibilities and perspectives of the Education Development Fund’s partnership with other public and private institutions.

The rectors of higher education institutions and other members of the Advisory Council also participated in discussions about the Fund’s goals, future activities and expectations.