The EDF received the British Council Delegation

26 December 2023

Nargiz Hajiyeva, director of the British Council for Azerbaijan, and Nargiz Akbarova, Exams Lead for South Caucasus, were received by the Education Development Fund.

During the meeting, the Education Development Fund, the Education Quality Assurance Agency, and seven higher education institutions discussed the state of implementation of the project, aiming to encourage university academic staff members and students to take the IELTS.

Elnur Nasibov, Chairman of the Board of Education Development Fund, informed the guests about the universities that intend to join the project next year. He said the program has caused great popularity and interest among higher education institutions. As of now, 226 individuals have already benefited from the project, and the number continues to grow each month.

During the meeting, there was a discussion about the collaboration plan with the Education Development Fund following the 2024 action plan of the British Council.