A roundtable was held on “Strategic action directions for higher education” by EDF

13 September 2022

On September 13, 2022, a round table was held on “Strategic action directions for higher education” by Education Development Fund (EDF) under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Science and Education, deputy ministers, rectors of higher education institutions and educational staff.

Elnur Nasibov, the Chairman of the Board of the EDF, gave a presentation about the Fund’s strategic activities on higher education. It was noted that the Fund’s activities consist of strengthening the integration of education and economy, implementing public and socially important projects, adapting the material and technical base of educational institutions to modern requirements, and preparing mechanisms that confirm the development of education. Elnur Nasibov also mentioned that the activities of the Education Development Fund will cover not only higher and secondary education, but all levels of education, except vocational education.

As a result of the discussions of the chairman of the Education Development Fund with the rectors, it was noted that 5 strategic directions of action on higher education, including the implementation of academic mobility programs, institutional development of higher education institutions, preparation of scientific journals, publications and textbooks, participation in the development of university-industry cooperation and support for the development of students of higher education institutions have been determined.

Yekunda, TİF İdarə Heyətinin sədri universitetlər arasında tərəfdaşlıq fəaliyyətlərinin əlaqələndirilməsi məqsədilə məsul şəxsin təyin olunmasını xahiş edib və yeni tədris ilində ali təhsil müəssisələri rəhbərlərinə uğurlar arzulayıb.  

In the end, the Chairman of the Board of the EDF asked for the appointment of a person responsible for the coordination of partnership activities between universities and wished success to the heads of higher education institutions in the new academic year.